
2023-08-30  点击:[]




1. 滨海混凝土耐久性研究

2. 矿物材料功能化利用




2008-09-2012-06,中国地质大学(北京), 材料化学,学士


2019.07- 云顶国际官方网站云顶国际官方网站  讲师,硕士生导师


1. 生物基轻质地质聚合物的制备及其性能优化,天津市教委科研计划项目,2022.01- 2024.12,负责

2. 三元微生物自修复材料的构建、协同作用机制及在混凝土裂缝修复中的应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2021.01-2024.12,参与

3. XX混凝土关键材料与应用,国家重点研发计划项目,2021.12- 2024.11,参与

4. 大尺寸XXXXXXX技术,国家重点研发计划项目,2021.10-2024.10,参与

5. 含有砂浆的砖瓦-混凝土混合建筑垃圾多路径应用关键成套技术和示范应用,天津市科委科技支撑重点项目,2020.04-2023.03,参与


[1] Ketong Hou, Tianlei Wang*, Xiudang Jing, Lei Zhang. MnO/C/Sepiolite 3D-network aerogel as electrode material for supercapacitors. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 303: 127744.

[2] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma. Three-in-One Process to Enhance the Oxygen Evolution Activity of Tungstates: Phase Transformation, Ordered Mesoporous Structure, and Cations Synergistic Effect, Energy Technology, 2020, 8(5).

[3] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*. Rational phase transformation and morphology design to optimize oxygen evolution property of cobalt tungstate, Nanotechnology, 2020, 31(14).

[4] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma. Facile Synthesis of Flower-Like Copper-Cobalt Sulfide as Binder-Free Faradaic Electrodes for Supercapacitors with Improved Electrochemical Properties, Nanomaterials, 2017, 7(6).

[5] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma*, Yu Fu. Novel Luminescent Multilayer Films with Magnetic and Electronic Microenvironment. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17: 1434.

[6] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma*, Defu Cao. Synthesis and characterization of La-doped luminescent multilayer films. Journal of chemistry, 2017, 2017: 8203581.

[7] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma, Novel luminescent multilayer films containing π-conjugated anionic polymer with electronic microenvironment. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6: 272.

[8] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma, Xiaojuan Liu, Yu Fu, Kunran Hu. Lifetime-ultra-prolonged luminescent multilayer thin films with electronic microenvironment. RSC Advances. 2014, 4: 40748.

[9] Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu*, Xiaojuan Liu, Hongwen Ma. Synthesis of nano-branched Ni/Fe Layered Double Hydroxides. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 988: 106.

[10] Tianlei Wang, Xiaojuan Liu* Meitang Liu*, Hongwen Ma, Lin Lin. Synthesis of aminotriacetic acid intercalated MgAl-layered double hydroxides and its selective IR absorption properties. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 997: 33.

[11] Meitang Liu*, Tianlei Wang, Hongwen Ma, Yu Fu, Kunran Hu, Chao Guan. Layer-by-layer assembly of luminescent multilayer thin films by MMT, anionic chromophores and magnetic CoAl-LDHs Nanosheets. Materials Letters. 2015, 153: 40.

[12] Meitang Liu*, Tianlei Wang, Hongwen Ma, Yu Fu, Kunran Hu, Chao Guan. Assembly of luminescent ordered multilayer thin-films based on oppositely- charged MMT and magnetic NiFe-LDHs nanosheets with ultra-long lifetimes. Scientific reports. 2014, 4: 7047.

[13] Yuqing Kuai, Tianlei Wang, Meitang Liu *, Hongwen Ma, Chongji Zhang. Flower-like Ni0.85Se nanosheets with enhanced performance toward hybrid supercapacitor. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 321, 134701.

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